Welcome to KIDS Staff Resource Center

KIDS Staff training is offered as a free opportunity for interested staff. Sessions are intended for staff who have not used the KIDS Collection System before (or who have minimal experience with this system) and who will be responsible for submitting student data via KIDS OR are responsible for data collection in local student information systems. Instruction in the KIDS data elements and software submission processes is provided.

We are considering a series of Zoom sessions to train buildings/districts for the 2024-2025 school year. If we are able to host in person sessions schools will be a belt to fill out this form. (In person sessions are on hold at this time.)

Since there is a five-participant requirement, a school or district can have staff take advantage of our Zoom series. Sign-ups for any session or request require participants log in to the KSDE Training Portal. New users can request an account in the portal. Once the account has been created, use the KIDS Staff Training link and enroll in the course.

    As sessions are scheduled, we will post the dates in the Training Portal.

    We hope to start the Zoom series by mid-October 2024.

    What is KIDS Staff Training?

    You can receive KIDS certification by enrolling in one of our instructor led Zoom or classroom training sessions. During your training, you will be introduced to your KIDS Staff trainers, learn about some common KIDS terms and acronyms, learn to navigate the KSDE websites, and you will learn the basics of the KIDS program.

    Login to the KSDE Training Portal: https://learning.ksde.org/.  If you do not have an account, you can also request an account.  If you have accessed our training portal but do not remember your login credentials, please contact us at training@ksde.org or via the help desk at (785) 296-7935.

    KIDS Staff Training Preparation

    There are required introductory activities in the course on the Training portal regardless of whether you choose classroom or Zoom series training.  These modules should help you feel comfortable registering for access via Common Authentication, understand the basics of the KIDS system, and be able to navigate within KIDS. Prework also includes completion of the KS K-12 Cyber Security and Data Privacy training module and watching two brief videos. Please follow the instructions below with regard to your live or webinar session.  

    To attend via zoom or classroom you will register for the session, review the training resources, [found on the KSDE Training Portal (https://learning.ksde.org/course/view.php?id=258&section=0)] and wait for the training date. An email will be sent once you register to provide further class information, and you will receive a reminder 2 days before training. 

    Course Material:

    Available on the KSDE Training Portal (https://learning.ksde.org)

    KIDS Staff Training Documents

     TitleModified DateSize Description
    Excel Tip Sheet 2017-20188/14/2017277.30 KBDownloadKIDS reports automatically export to Excel. This document provides a few basics tips to working in Excel to help you compare KIDS data with your SIS data.